Dear Faithful,
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary. We are saddened by the death of Bp. Tissier de Mallerais, but we have an excellent opportunity to pray for the repose of his soul this upcoming week on All Souls Day. SSPX News has a short biography which tells of his unresting dedication to the Church and the Faithful. His Episcopal Motto was Pax Christi Regis; that is, the Peace of Christ the King.
Also, on this Great Feast of Christ the King, I write to inform you that Fr. Leith and I have submitted the request for US District’s approval to move forward with our master plan. It is in the sweet hands of the Blessed Virgin. As we await their feedback, please pray to Christ, our King, and His Mother, Our Queen, for a favorable response. Keep saying your daily Memorare!
Pax Christi Regis,
Fr. David Thomas

The Coat of Arms of Bp. Tissier de Mallerais

Bp. Tissier consecrates the altar in Sanford.
