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Pompeii Rising

From the Desk of Fr. Thomas - May 2024 Newsletter

Dear Faithful,

May is a month where sons and daughters of the Blessed Virgin Mary can grow closer to their Mother. It is fitting that both her earthly and heavenly guardians, St. Joseph and St. Michael, have May feast days as well, ever reminding us the Blessed Virgin is worth defending. While no physical construction took place this month, hindsight will show most of the spiritual fortification and restoration happened in May, 2024. Our project now has an anchor, the Image of Our Lady of Pompeii, and she will watch over the details. The unveiling on the 8th was unforgettable. If you were unable to attend, please read this account of the evening and watch the recording here. Over 200 people attended, not counting the scores of children. Those who added their petitions to the prayer box will be glad to know their prayers have accompanied the blessed image to our side chapel at St. Michael’s for safekeeping until we can encase and return the sacred image.

The following Sunday was Mother’s Day. Our Lady, crowned by a maiden, laden with roses on a splendid new litter, bore by four sons, was processed around the church. I can hardly wait for our first procession at Our Lady of Pompeii, when we can bring the Morning Star to Main Street.

At the end of April, I received the official closing report from Auld and White Constructors. We now have a Certificate of Completion that the work on the towers is in compliance with Building Code. There is still a long way to go as we plan for needed amenities with Lane Architecture, a well respected local company that has been entrusted to work on Ponce Hall in Flagler College and other community spaces in Jacksonville. The Pompeii Rising Team is working hard to get you numbers for what it will cost to occupy the church for Mass. As mentioned on Pentecost, we are planning to maximize seating so that one master plan serves generations, not just the next couple of years. Please pray, especially in the upcoming month of the Sacred Heart, that we can come to an agreement on a plan and number that both satisfies our needs and receives the necessary approvals.

Dear mothers, thank you for your daily sacrifices. And thank you to those who protect and defend motherhood, Holy Mother Church, and the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Keep saying your Memorare!

Ave Maria,
Fr. David Thomas.

An illustration from the Closing Report issued by AWC shows the amount of attention and expertise needed to properly restore our historic church.

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